Titan Graph DB Performance Tips

A blog post by Lukas Krejci

graphdb | inventory

In Hawkular Inventory, we use the Tinkerpop API (version 2 for the time being) to store our inventory model in a graph database. We chose Titan as the storage engine configured to store the data in the Cassandra cluster that is also backing Hawkular Metrics and Alerts. This blog post will guide you through some performance-related lessons with Titan that we learned so far.

Inventory is under heavy development with a lot of redesign and refactoring going on between releases so we took quite a naive approach to storing and querying data from the graph database. That is, we store entities from our model as vertices in the graph and the relationships between the entities as edges in the graph. Quite simple and a school book example of how it should look like.

We did declare a couple of indices in the database on the read-only aspects of the vertices (i.e. a "type" of the entity the vertex corresponds to) but we actually didn’t pay too much attention to the performance. We wanted to have the model right first.

Fast forward a couple of months and of course, the performance started to be a real problem. The Hawkular agent for Wildfly is inserting a non-trivial amount of entities and not only inserting them but also querying them has seen a huge performance degradation compared to the simple examples we were unit testing with (due to number of vertices and edges stored).

The time has come to think about how to squeeze some performance out of Titan as well as how to store the data and query it more intelligently.

So what we did, you ask, to gain an order of mangnitude speed up?

There are 2 aspects that needed our attention actually - insert performance, and query performance, which is where we are an order of magnitude faster now.

I will focus only on the query performance in this post.

As a model example, let’s consider the following query: find me all resources in a certain feed that have a certain resource type.

For illustration purposes, this will be a fabricated graph that we will be querying.

Example Inventory

In Gremlin query language, our example query would be expressed without any optimizations, that we will going to describe later in the post, like this:

g.V() (1)
  .has("name", "Red Hat, Inc.")
  .has("type", "tenant") (2)
  .out("contains") (3)
  .has("name", "staging")
  .has("type", "environment") (4)
  .out("contains") (5)
  .has("name", "test.redhat.com")
  .has("type", "feed") (6)
  .out("contains") (7)
  .has("type", "resource") (8)
  .as("result") (9)
    .in("defines") (10)
    .has("type", "resourceType")
    .has("name", "JBoss EAP") (11)
  .back("result"); (12)
  1. For all vertices in the graph

  2. Choose those that have the type "tenant" called "Red Hat, Inc."

  3. Go out from them following the "contains" edges, to the target vertices

  4. choose those that have the type "environment" and name "staging"

  5. out, following "contains" edges

  6. choose vertices with type "feed" and name "test.redhat.com"

  7. out, following "contains" edges

  8. choose vertices with type "resource"

  9. mark the position in the traversal as a "result"

  10. follow "defines" edges that point to the "result" vertices

  11. choose all the source vertices of the edges that have type "Resource Type" and name "JBoss EAP"

  12. if the above yields a vertex, go back to the "result" and use that instead

So out of that pipeline, as they call it, out come the vertices representing resources with the desired resource type that live under given feed. E.g. in the example above, the query will return eap1-test.redhat.com and eap2-test.redhat.com.

So what’s wrong with that you ask?

Performance Tips

1.1. Reduce number of Hops

In the graph visualization you can notice that there is a contains edge between a number of vertices. Semantically, in Hawkular Inventory vertices connected by these edges form a tree and thus each of the vertices can be uniquely identified by its path along the contains edges. We call this path a canonical path and we use this path in a number of ways in the API.

Additionally, this path is stored on each vertex (and indexed by a unique index to ensure consistency of the data). Having the path stored on each vertex and having an index on it enables us to be "clever" with the query and rewrite the parts that follow the contains chain from the Tenant vertices down by a simple lookup of the canonical path.

As such, the original query would be transformed into:

  .has("path", "Red Hat, Inc./staging/test.redhat.com")
  .has("type", "resource")
    .has("type", "resourceType")
    .has("name", "JBoss EAP")

This is a lot faster than the original, because we use an index to find our starting point much "deeper" in the graph than previously and have to make less hops to get to our results.

1.2. Avoid .as()…​back() If Possible

This is not shown in the example but we found that we used the .as()…​back() construct in more places than necessary. Avoiding it speeds the execution up.

1.3. Mirror Properties on The Edges

This is the single most important optimization we’ve done so far. The rationale is this. To jump from a vertex to another vertex over an edge is a fairly expensive operation. Titan uses the adjacency lists to store the vertices and their edges in wide rows in Cassandra. It uses another adjacency list for edges and their target vertices.

So to go from vertex to vertex, Titan actually has to do 2 queries. It would be much easier if we could avoid that at least in some cases.

The solution here is to copy the values of some (frequently used and, in our case, immutable) properties from the "source" and "target" vertices directly to the edges. This helps especially in the cases where you do some kind of filtering on the target vertices that you instead can do directly on the edges. If there is a high number of edges to go through, this helps tremendously because you greatly reduce the number of times you have to do the "second hop" to the target vertex.

So this is the final version of the query that is an order of magnitude faster than the original:

  .has("path", "Red Hat, Inc./staging/test.redhat.com")
  .outE("contains") (1)
  .has("targetType", "resource") (2)
  .inV() (3)
    .inE("defines") (4)
    .has("sourceType", "resourceType")
    .has("sourceName", "JBoss EAP")
  1. .out(label) goes to the target vertex, while .outE(label) goes only to the edge

  2. We’re now on the edge and are filtering on its properties

  3. And we’re jumping on the target vertex

  4. Again, only jumping on the edge and filtering only on its properties.

While I am sure there are still some optimizations left that we could do to make this even faster, I am quite satisfied with the speed up we were able to achieve just by these changes.

Published by Lukas Krejci on 09 October 2015


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